Advocacy & Regulatory

What you need to know in today’s environment. LSTA advocates on behalf of all participants in the corporate loan market, working directly with regulators and legislators to maintain a fair, orderly, and efficient marketplace that engenders confidence.

The LSTA actively monitors emerging regulatory issues and has successfully advocated the industry’s position on risk retention, the Volcker Rule, Liquidity Risk Management Rules, FATCA, Leveraged Lending Guidance, FDIC assessments, and more. This section of University covers Dodd-Frank risk retention rules, Alternative Reference Rates Committee (ARRC) consultations and what they mean to our constituents, LIBOR and its alternative SOFR, and more.

Level 1

LSTA University Level 1
  • In Slow Times Lay Groundwork for Success in Washington

    This year started slowly on the policy front for the LSTA. In fact, this has been the quietest six months for us in Washington since I started at the LSTA two-and-a-half years ago. That’s to be expected, perhaps, given that we’re at the start of a new administration. It’s not a bad thing either; after all, our one constant ask in Washington is to be left alone.

  • LSTA White Paper: Assessing Whether Leveraged Loans and CLOs Pose a Systemic Risk

    In this whitepaper, the LSTA reviews the official sector’s definitions of systemic risk, characteristics of systemic risk and transmission channels for systemic risk. We analyze leveraged loans and CLOs’ characteristics to demonstrate why they do not post a systemic risk to the U.S. financial system.

Level 2

LSTA University Level 2
  • LSTA White Paper: Addressing Loan and CLO Misperceptions

    Broadly syndicated loans to non-investment grade U.S. Corporations are widely misunderstood outside of the loan industry. A number of commentators imply that leveraged loans are shadowy corporate equivalents to pre-crisis sub-prime mortgages. This is clearly not true and, to respond to such conflations, the LSTA recently published this white paper addressing these views.

  • Could CLO AAA Tranches Actually Suffer Losses in the Downturn?

    A question has recently been traversing the internet: “Could CLO AAA notes suffer significant and troubling credit losses?” In reality, it would take incredible, prolonged and worldrattling levels of corporate loan defaults to actually create any credit losses in CLO AAA notes. One practitioner observed that, if we got to the level of corporate defaults that significantly impaired CLO AAA notes, we’d already be living in caves.

Level 3

LSTA University Level 3

    On June 30th the ARRC published an updated recommendation for fallback language for syndicated loans (“the 2020 recommendation”). We discuss the background and changes below, but want to flag upfront that a major change is that the second step of the waterfall is now Simple Daily SOFR, not Compounded SOFR. For member convenience we have also prepared a word version of the refreshed fallback language which is available below.

  • LIBOR Fallbacks: The Market Responds

    LIBOR is somehow simultaneously both a pressing issue and a slow-motion market upheaval. A first step to avoiding the upheaval scenario is the development of fallback language across cash asset classes. (Fallback language answers the critical question “If LIBOR disappeared tomorrow, to what rate would my contract fall back?” Is it Prime? Is it SOFR? Is it the last fixed rate? Is it nothing?!)

  • CLOs Are Simply Not a Source of Systemic Risk to the Banking System

    A recent internet meme posits that the U.S. banking system is on the precipice of collapse. Today’s catalyst,the Collateralized Loan Obligation or CLO, the theory goes, bears a resemblance to the similarly named CDO, which played a role in the 2008 financial crisis.

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