Since 2018, the transactions in digital assets – secured lending, swaps, repos – have matured and evolved nearly as much as the underlying digital assets. That maturity has come in the form of more complex transactions and necessitated the development of more standardized structures and documentation. Finance attorneys from Haynes and Boone, LLP and business leaders from BlockFi, Inc. discussed the current state of the market and what they see in the future.
Thursday, May 13, 2021
4PM to 5:15PM (ET)|Webcast Only
Presentation, Replay and Recap | Now Available |Scroll Down to View
1.5 CLE Credits Will Be Issued
- Yevgeniy Feldman – Director, Institutional Services, BlockFi, Inc.
- Matthew Frankle – Partner, Haynes and Boone, LLP
- Alexander Grisham – Partner, Haynes and Boone, LLP
- Rene van Kesteren – Chief Risk Officer & Head of Global Markets, BlockFi, Inc.