Many loan market participants are expecting a steep rise in borrower defaults and bankruptcy filings. What is the purpose of Chapter 11? How does it work? What unique challenges to the bankruptcy system can we expect from unprecedented disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic? Dennis Twomey, a partner in the Restructuring Group at Sidley, answered these questions and explained the basics of the bankruptcy process.
Bankruptcy Basics:
- Purposes and Basic Framework
- Commencement of Case
- Secured Creditor Rights
- Executory Contracts/Unexpired Leases
- Confirmation of Plan
- Bankruptcy During COVID-19 Pandemic
Thursday, May 14, 2020
4PM to 5PM (ET)|Webcast Only
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1.0 CLE Credit Hour|Available for NYS Transitional and Non-Transitional – Areas of Professional Practice
- Elliot Ganz, LSTA
- Dennis Twomey, Sidley Austin