Our panel of experts analysed the latest trends in the middle market and focused on the following:
- Calculating EBITDA: Parsing through the add-backs
- The many facets of the “Investment Basket”
- Restricted, Unrestricted, Non-Guarantor, Immaterial and Excluded Subsidiaries: The changing nature of a corporate structure
- Asset Sale provisions: Balancing Flexibility with Preservation of Collateral
- Accumulating capacity to make dividends: When conditions matter
- Equity and other cure rights: The effect of borrower notice
- Day 1 debt capacity: Tracking additional “Indebtedness”
Thursday, December 20, 2018
4PM to 5:15PM (ET)|Webcast Only
1.5 CLE Credit|For NYS Transitional and Non-Transitional – Areas of Professional Practice.
- Carolyn Alford, Partner, King & Spalding LLP
- Mike Blumberg, Executive Director, Varagon Capital Management
- Brad Charchut, Managing Director, Bain Capital
- Linda Filardi, Senior Director and Associate General Counsel, Capital, Moderator
- Martha Gurwit, Managing Director, Antares Capital
- Nan McNally, Partner, AEA Investors, L.P.
- Joshua A. Tinkelman, Partner, Latham & Watkins LLP
- Tess Virmani, LSTA, Intro