June 29, 2023 - The ESG Integrated Disclosure Project looks to advance ESG information in the credit markets by offering a streamlined, proportionate approach to ESG reporting for private companies. Today lenders, borrowers, investors, arrangers, data providers and private equity sponsors across the credit markets are using the IDP’s Template to improve data collection, borrower engagement, portfolio monitoring and investor reporting processes. Efficiency and clarity for reporting companies is at the heart of the Template. Recently, the ESG IDP Secretariat released a new educational resource for prospective users of the Template – the ESG IDP Tutorial. This 15-minute “How To” video breaks down and explains each element of the Template and highlights explanatory notes and sign posts built in to the Template. The hope is that this virtual tour will answer borrowers’ most frequently asked questions and encourage further adoption. As Co-Secretariat of the ESG IDP the LSTA welcomes feedback from our members on their experience using the template. Please send any comments or questions to info@esgidp.org.
ESG IDP Tutorial Now Available