A presentation of recent articles and decisions of interest to the lending community, including articles on Bankruptcy Directors and The Breakdown of Chapter 11; decisions on setoff (Orexigen), administrative priority claims (Energy Future Holdings), subordination agreements (Fencepost Productions), postpetition interest (PG&E), KERPs (LSC Communications); and developments in subchapter V (Johnson, 305 Petroleum, Walker, and Satellite Rests.), and U.S. Trustee fees (Circuit City, Clinton Nurseries, and Paragon Offshore).
EVENT DETAILS (all subject to change)
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
4PM to 5PM (ET)|Webcast Only
Presentation, Replay and Material | Now Available | Scroll Down to View
1 CLE Credit Will Be Issued
- Elliot Ganz, General Counsel & Co-Head, Public Policy, LSTA
- Richard Levin, Partner, Jenner & Block